wellness practices for your business


Research has found that wellness programs using practices such as asana yoga, meditation, and pranayama (breath-work) have had immensely positive and long lasting effects on their employees. Not only does this boost productivity and team morale, it creates a space for happier and healthier practitioners who feel valued and cared for by their workplace!

Working with me could be the next step in facilitating that. I provide a wide range of accessible practices that are immensely beneficial!

About meditation:

Meditation is an ancient practice that has incredible benefits to the modern practitioner as well! Meditation has been found to reduce anxiety, improve focus, increase motivation, as well as to gain awareness and a sense of purpose. Practitioners also tend to feel more joyful, in tune with their values, and connected to others. 

About yoga:

Asana yoga is a physical practice that incorporates meditation and movement as one. Pranayama, known as breathwork, can also be incorporated into a class. Some physical benefits include: increased flexibility, improved strength, and more mobility!

After a yoga class, many practitioners feel more energized, calmer, and joyful. Because there are a range of forms this practice can take, I can accommodate the group specifically so we could achieve their desired goals. 

Vinyasa yoga includes fluid movements and body to breath alignment. This could come in the form of a fiery, strength based practice such as Power Vinyasa, but could also come on the side of a Slow Flow, which is much calmer.

I also teach the style of yin which includes very deep, passive stretches, held 2-5 minutes and is on the more meditative, restorative side of the practice.

Chair-based yoga is another offering of mine and is a great option if you’d like me to facilitate stretches and movements that could be done for workers who find themselves at a desk for long periods of time.

Other details:

I am available to come to your workplace, a space of your choosing, or even a local park! My price ranges depending on location, requirements and size of the group.


Individual Sessions:

30 min meditation: $60-90

60 min yoga: $150-180

75 min yoga + meditation: $160-190

Class Packs:

$444: 3 75 min yoga + meditation classes ($148 each)

$555: 4 75 min yoga + meditation classes ($138 each)