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Natalya is an artist and yoga teacher, cultivating softness & vulnerability in her practice.


Academia in Theatre & Poetry:

Yoga Teacher Trainings:


Natalya’s work centers the shadow self – exploring femininity, mental health, and rediscovery. Her creativity is guided by personal experience and deep connection with the world, navigating the essential qualities to creating a beautiful life – the balance between joy and pain. She is deeply inspired by what profound healing abilities Yoga has on the mind and body – seeing through it’s perspective shifts in her own practice as well as experiences in all that life entangles.

Natalya approaches her teachings with gentleness – a softness for the human experience – emphasizing joy, healing, exploration, and compassion through instruction. She is endlessly grateful to be learning from her experiences, fellow teachers, and students alike.

Alongside recurring classes, Natalya pursues Visual Arts & Music, with a rich background in Theatre & Poetry through her studies at SUNY New Paltz.

Natalya received her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training certification with Rainbow Body Yoga, her 200-hour Meditation Teacher Training with Three Jewels, and her Yin Teacher Training with Daya Yoga Studio.